Below are my five pages for a great new one-shot anthology comic book, ALIENS AMONG US, from Elevator Pitch Press! This story, "Dirty Work," was a tense tale, written by Bret Bernal, and it involves two exterminators, out to take on the task of chasing pests out of a deserted old hulk of a house, only to find that one of them is the real vermin! A fun and frightful comic story, pencilled and inked by me in 2012! All art copyright Bret Bernal and Al Bigley. Click each page below to enlarge!
Below: In that first panel, I wanted our two main characters to be
humbled by the looming old house...
Below: I based the finally-revealed aliens on a weird mix of spiders and guinea pigs!
Below: The scripted, published pages, as they appeared in ALIENS AMONG US!